Spaghetti is essentially a picture on top of a plate. This isn’t as bad as it sounds - you can cover a lot of ground with cookies, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and spaghetti. What existing food in your game looks most like the food you want to add? Unless you have mad meshing skillz and want to build your own model, you’re going to want to retexture one of the existing foods in the game. I assume you came to this tutorial with a food in mind. Note: You MUST have CCLoader installed in your game to use recipes made with this tutorial! Prologue: What food do you want? What you will be doing is cloning and altering objects using S3PE and s3oc, and you’ll be modifying a bunch of XML. It makes use of DouglasVeiga's brilliant utility CCLoader, which hands all the scripting bits so that you won't have to. This is a tutorial for creating a custom meal that your sim can cook, including a recipe book that can be purchased at the book store to learn it. Thanks to omedapixel for the screenshots! Tutorial: Sims 3 Custom Foods with CCLoader